
China and Japan are neighbouring countries, situated across the East China Sea, with both countries also maintaining significant statuses in Asia and around the world. The research on Sino-Japanese relations thus becomes ever so important and bears practical significance. Therefore, summarizing the lessons and revelations from the experiences of Sino-Japanese relations can be used as reference in promoting Sino-Japanese development and interactions.

??????? After the war, China and Japan entered into a state of “cold war”. Though the two countries did not have official diplomatic relations, they still maintained some forms of diplomacy and friendly economic trades. China began its Cultural Revolution in 1966 and took a radical approach of “diplomatic revolution” in its foreign policy. China only interacted with pan-Chinese leftist groups in Japan in the early stages of Cultural Revolution, and its radical ideology also influenced the development of the left-wing movement in Japan. In the later stages of the Cultural Revolution, the changes that occurred within China, as well as the influence of situations around the world, prompted China and Japan to re-establish official diplomatic relations and changed the interactions between China and leftist groups in Japan.

??????? After the Cultural Revolution, the history of the interactions between Communist Party of China and leftist groups in Japan became a side-note or was only briefly recorded due to China waning in its revolution and Japanese leftists’ introspection on the radical movement. Even though the re-establishment of Sino-Japanese relations was the main event between China and Japan during the Cultural Revolution, interactions between ?Communist Party of China ?and Japanese leftists, however, bore key significance and helped Communist Party of China on the side to promote Sino-Japanese relations. Therefore, the question of how to systematically narrate and fix this part of history becomes very important.

??????? Under these circumstances, this paper wishes to engage in the research of the relations and interactions between Communist Party of China and Japanese leftists during the Cultural Revolution. This paper wishes to compile and analyze any historical interactions during the Cultural Revolution between Communist Party of China and Japanese leftists that had been ignored or covered in order to fill the gaps of Chinese history during the Cultural Revolution and of Japanese history in the 1960s in which Chinese presence was lost, which would present a clearer and more complete picture of the Sino-Japanese relations during this special period.

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